So you got this email . . . but there's a 95% chance you didn't get my others. Here's why:
When I switched to Substack a few months ago, I made three different sections of my newsletter: author updates, writing/publishing, and yarn. I set it up so that everyone who subscribed to my newsletter got the first one, but they had to subscribe to the other two separately if they wanted that content. I thought that was the best way for everyone to get what they wanted.
As I started posting more in the writing/publishing newsletter, I noticed a trend: people who subscribed to my newsletter through those posts weren't taking the extra step to sign up to get the newsletters they (I assume!) wanted. Possibly because a lot of folks (understandably) toss welcome emails without reading, which is where I was directing people to sign up for the other newsletters.
So I've made a change. New sign-ups will now get all three types of emails, and can opt-out of the emails they don't want. You can manage the newsletters you get with this link right here.
For those already subscribed: I can't edit what emails you receive. So if you want the writing/publishing posts, you need to click here and edit your subscription. If you just recently subscribed and you’re not sure whether you’re getting those emails, hit the link and see what boxes are check-marked.
Here are some of the posts I've shared in other newsletters recently:
Coming up in the writing newsletter: cowriting and how to get started, how to know when a book is ready, planning a project, plus a special guest post from my agent!
If you want those newsletters as they go out, make sure you check the "writing and publishing" box.
In NIGHTRENDER news, I'm working on line edits for DAWNBREAKER right now. I'll turn it in next month and the book will go into production. (Copyedits, proofreading, etc.)
A few people have started asking when DAWNBREAKER will publish. Understandably, folks expected it a year after book 1. That was my goal and my publisher's goal, but we all ended up needing a little more time with the book. This series is complex -- it’s one of the most challenging stories I've written -- and I really wanted to do it justice.
This was the first time I've ever had to ask for a book to be pushed back! (But not the last. Almost immediately, the Janies asked for Mary 3 to get pushed back. It's been a rough couple of years, deadline wise.) This was, however, not the first time I should have asked for extra time.
When I was finishing the final edits of AS SHE ASCENDS, I had a huge revelation. In all the drafts I'd written, I hadn't been satisfied with the end of the book. But suddenly, I knew what to do. So with only a week until my hard deadline, I rewrote the last 20,000 words of the book from scratch by working 20-hour days.
It wasn't my greatest move. I was pretty wrecked after that. And I promised myself that I wouldn't do something like that again. I would just ask for more time, even if it meant the book getting pushed to a different season.
So DAWNBREAKER is coming out Fall 2023. I don't have an exact date for you yet, but as soon as I do, I'll share it! And I have seen a draft of the cover; the final should be coming soon, and I think you're going to love it!
And with that, I need to get back to these line edits! I'm really proud of this book. I can't wait for you to read it.
Oh my gosh I am so excited to see the cover!